Size DOES Matter: Your Handy Social Media Image-Size Guide

You’ve designed a killer logo. You’ve shelled out for just the right head shot. And, now you’re ready to put yourself and your company out there. The good news is you care about your image. The bad news: every social media platform has a different set of requirements. So, if you don’t want a pixelized logo or a stretched out jaw line, you need to make sure your images are cropped to the right size.

Check out our handy social media image size guide below to make sure you’re putting you and your company’s best face forward as you stake your claim in the digital world:

In late April, Twitter has begun a roll out of a new style of page layout. If you’re on Twitter, you’ll need to update what you’ve got when they send you the “a new look” email, as the width is changing.

The image at the top now goes all the way across the screen – like Facebook – so you’ll need a wider image to go with it.

The “Header photo” should be 1500 wide x 500 high (pixels). If you’ve got a nice panorama in your photo archives, this would be a good place to use it. And, the Profile Photos (also used as your little avatar): those need to be 400 x 400.

For more about the changes coming to Twitter (some cool stuff there for sure…) check out this nice recap by the Wall Street Journal.

Changes took place awhile back, but it’s good to make sure you’ve still got the right fit. For your cover photo you’ll need 851 x 315 pixels. If you’re using your logo or an image with text, Facebook recommends a .png file for better quality.

Your Profile – upload a 180 x 180 (but it displays 160 x 160)

If you have more images to post in Facebook (and I’m sure you do…), check this super handy infographic from Jon Loomer.

The powers at LinkedIn have also made some changes recently, especially to the Company pages.

The Banner Image at the top: 646 x 200 pixels
Standard Company Logo: 100 x 60
Square Company Logo: 50 x 50

On the Showcase pages, the logos stay the same size, but the banner at the top – called a “Hero Image” is 974 x 330. Good news, you can crop it a bit once it’s uploaded, just in case you need to tweak it. (Want more LinkedIn tips? Check my last blog here.)

Never underestimate the power of Google+. Especially because it shows right on that page your number of followers and views, you want to make sure it looks its best to keep people coming.

The cover photo on Google+ should be 1080 x 608. You can go as big as 2120 x 1192 and they’ll scale it for you.

Have more questions, check their help page.

Pinterest is picking up steam for businesses. Especially if you are in fashion or food, you need to have an active Pinterest account. The profile picture here is 165 x 165, but they recommend uploading something as big as 600 x 600 and then they’ll resize it.

As for Pinterest, there’s a lot of debate on that subject. How big is too big? How long before “useful” becomes “annoying.”? Well, let’s just start with 735 x 1128. That’s what fits nicely on a mobile device. Go up and down from there based on what you’re trying to accomplish.

There are your sizes, basically summed up. And despite the age old argument, size does matter!