Lori’s New Year Resolutions & the Importance of Having a Plan

I have to admit, I love New Year’s.  A chance to start over, to begin again, to stop doing something that tore you down, or begin something that will enable you to live more positively. This year is no different.  And I think that this next year will be awesome!

Having recently turned 50, (and weighing in more than I care to admit), I’m excited to revisit those health and fitness areas that have been sadly neglected. I am starting my Raw Food diet again (I did this a few summers ago and felt absolutely wonderful!). This week I have pulled out my raw food recipes and spent an enjoyable hour perusing the grocery aisle finding items that have been long missing from my shelves.

Of course, my dh and I will continue our morning walks. And since I received an exercise step for Christmas, that will become part of my nightly tv time experience. Throw in a 30 min workout at noon 3x a week and I will be back on track and feeling good in no time!

This past year I recognized some key work related areas that I plan to focus on in 2015. Social media is constantly changing, and I need to have a plan that will include the basics as well as the unknown, ever-changing future. I plan to spend some serious time in January and February that will include re-familiarizing myself with SEO, link building and Social Media. Moz.com has some great information that will be perfect for this! I also want to ‘up my game’ with tools such as Sharpspring and Google Analytics!

I can’t imagine the awesome things that await me this year, but I believe with these plans I will definitely be better prepared to meet them!

Take a few minutes before the new year gets too far along, and think about which new year resolutions you’d like to see become reality. With a little planning and goal setting, you can make it happen!